Relying on Web 3.0

Web 3.0 has the following characteristics:

a) Data privacy and anti-censorship

Web 3.0 will prevent giants like Google and Apple from using users' data, and users will have complete control over the ownership of their data. If users share their data with advertisers, they can sell their data to them instead of allowing the giants to profit from their data.

b) Data validation and authorization

The decentralized nature will ensure that users have sovereignty over their accounts and data in all cases. The data will be backed up in multiple places and will not allow a government or an organization to deactivate the user's account.

c) Decentralized operation

Web 3.0, as a new generation of the Internet, is a completely decentralized world.

d) Unified authentication system

Users can log in to any Web 3.0 application through their wallets.

With the rise of decentralized autonomous organizations, the crypto economy is gradually returning to the essence of blockchain, returning governance to the community, and promoting a new revolution of community autonomy for blockchain projects. DAO organizations have emerged, and many organizations have laid out the DAO economy. Community autonomy will lead to the future digital economy.

Web 3.0 is a decentralized blockchain-based Internet. Simply put, Web 3.0 is a rule or framework formed through technology and can achieve more fairness. Web 3.0 has many branches, including but not limited to the familiar meta-universe, NFT, Defi, GameFi, SocialFi, DAPP, distributed storage, etc.

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